Welcome to our family's blog. Tommy and I have been together for 10 years this month. We met at his grandmother's house and through our share of up and downs have made it this far. Until recently, it was just Tommy, myself and our little puppy, Peyton...BUT, last February, we were blessed with our first child, Thomas Elijiah Miller. Our beautiful baby boy was born 2 months early but has adapted quite well and is truly a gift from God. I hope this blog proves to be fun as well as insightful throughout all the ups, downs, twists, turns and whatever else gets thrown our way! Enjoy the craziness!

Friday, June 11, 2010

You've got personality

It's amazing how quickly a child changes. Thomas has started to show his personality and it is way to cute. The noises he makes...the cute faces he creates...And now he is even stating to crack smiles and coo. It is remarkable the progress he has made. I'm so proud.

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