Welcome to our family's blog. Tommy and I have been together for 10 years this month. We met at his grandmother's house and through our share of up and downs have made it this far. Until recently, it was just Tommy, myself and our little puppy, Peyton...BUT, last February, we were blessed with our first child, Thomas Elijiah Miller. Our beautiful baby boy was born 2 months early but has adapted quite well and is truly a gift from God. I hope this blog proves to be fun as well as insightful throughout all the ups, downs, twists, turns and whatever else gets thrown our way! Enjoy the craziness!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MIdnight Feedings

I remember the first time I talked to some of the nurses in the NICU and they told me that Thomas would benefit from G Tube feedings. I was nervous and apprehensive about the whole idea but through the training and every three hour feedings, I think I could probably give him his feeding with my eyes closed.
I remember (lol) one of the first times I gave him a midnight feeding. For starters, let me just say that I had excellent trainers in the NICU as well as the classes we took so I was prepared ahead of time before conducting a feeding at home. I remember Brooke (One of Thomas' bff's in the NICU) told me ~REMEMER~ when you get a new feeding syringe to take the cap off before putting in the food. SO...in the midst of the night, half awake, I go to get his feeding start...of course I DID NOT remove the cap from the syringe, and to make matters worse, used to plunger to push the formula in...you know, to get it started. Wouldn't you know...Thomas and I had a Neosure bath...I hear it's good for the skin :)
Now, weeks and weeks later, I can laugh about it...that night...it wasn't so humorous.

On a different note, Thomas is doing quite well tolerating his bottle feeds. I've even bumped them up to about an ounce about two or three times a day. He does really well swallowing with his feedings as long as I add a bit of rice cereal to each bottle.

I can't believe how big he's getting. He's such a big boy!!


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Let me tell you that every body (nurses and parents) does that at least once! "Why wont this go? I am going to make it go!" Wham- a formula bath. I miss that baby, and you guys. I am so happy that he is doing so well.

  2. We're gonna try to come see you guys next week/ Hopefully you'll be working either Thursday or Friday. I'm sure he misses all of you guys!
