Welcome to our family's blog. Tommy and I have been together for 10 years this month. We met at his grandmother's house and through our share of up and downs have made it this far. Until recently, it was just Tommy, myself and our little puppy, Peyton...BUT, last February, we were blessed with our first child, Thomas Elijiah Miller. Our beautiful baby boy was born 2 months early but has adapted quite well and is truly a gift from God. I hope this blog proves to be fun as well as insightful throughout all the ups, downs, twists, turns and whatever else gets thrown our way! Enjoy the craziness!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day Daddy...and Grandpa, too!

This year was Tommy’s first father day and I felt pretty ridiculous b/c due to my lack of employment; I was unable to get him an awesome gift. The plan was getting him a gas grill had the money saved from months ago, unfortunately...life happens and that money inevitably went to some unexpected bills. Of course...that's my luck. Tommy had told me before that the "Father's Day" thing was just another money making holiday for merchants and blah blah blah...Whatever...
As many of you know, Tommy is quite attached at the hip to his pool league. And of course they would have a week end long tournament in Ft. Wayne father's day weekend...I mean why not??? It's not like any of these guys are father??? Right???
Anyway... Tommy left Saturday morning and said he wasn't sure if he would be back last that night or sometime the next day. Basically, it depended on whether or not he moved won his matches to move on to the next round. (Of Course, I was hoping he didn't move on...DON'T tell him, but I wanted him to be home for Father's Day...His 1st father's day at that).

So, with that in mind, I snuck a card that I had gotten him weeks ago into his suitcase with his phone charger...I knew he wouldn't get in there later that night.
Later Saturday evening, I got a call saying that he was moving on and would be staying the night. I know he could tell I was upset but what could I do.
Hours later, and I mean around 3am, Thomas is tucked in, I'm in the kitchen getting his 3 am feeding ready and guess who walks in the door?

And yes, he found the card...

It may have just been another day, but he was going to be home to spend just another day with me, Thomas and Peyton.

We ended up letting Daddy sleep for most of the morning and afternoon and went to visit my dad. It was a pretty great day.

We went out to dinner with daddy that evening. Thomas and Peyton love their daddy and I am so thankful for him.

I know I don't tell him enough but I really am thankful he is in my life...pool and all!

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